
Reading a SPEEDiagnostix report

SPEEDiagnostix is an expedited oil analysis service catering to racers, engine builders and performance enthusiasts. Our experience in the racing industry led to the recognition of the need for fast turnaround used oil analysis. SPEEDiagnostix provides data and analysis that draws from decades of racing, engine building, oil blending and used oil analysis experience. The U.S. Military, Formula 1 teams and top NASCAR engine builders already know the advantages of used oil analysis. However, the traditional labs that service industrial and fleet accounts miss some of the subtleties that are important when analyzing samples from race engines and other high performance engines. It is not that other labs are bad. It is just a matter of experience and familiarity with racing engines, fuels and lubricants.

 At SPEEDiagnostix, we utilize a proprietary data model based on thousands of used oil samples taken from racing engines, which provides greater insight into their health. With precise data analysis, catastrophic failures can be prevented through early detection.

Every SPEEDiagnostix kit comes complete with everything needed to take a sample – including gloves! And, everything is included in the one-time fee for the kit. The shipping, the lab processing and reporting are all inclusive. The pricing depends on how fast you need the results and how many samples you send in at a time. Regardless of which option you choose, SPEEDiagnostix provides cost effective insight into the health and longevity of your engine. How much does it cost to replace the parts damaged by a catastrophic failure? For as little as $59.95 per sample, SPEEDiagnostix provides the ability to catch a problem before it becomes a catastrophe.


How the SPEEDiagnostix process works.


Who is SPEEDiagnostix?